
Why should we eat Salads? Is it safe to eat raw? हमें सलाद क्यों खाने चाहिए ? क्या कच्चा खाना सुरक्षित है ? Salads are key to our health, but how many of us really love salads? Find out why and how with team from SHARAN India. This session also shows some simple yet delicious salad recipe live in this session. Learn what salad to make for lunch & dinner!

For many preparing green smoothie may be tough. I can feel that…. as I have spent hours and it took me multiple tries to find my perfect mix to great smoothie. If you are fond of juicing, smoothies gives you 10s of other options to drink greens and fruits. But once I got it right, there was no looking back, every day it was a new mix, going into blender and

Juicer v/s Blender Here are some common types of juicers that are available in market –     Most recent addition to the blender’s list are advanced “slow juicers“, also the old types of slow juicers the ones that we have been using in old gold days (they are still available online or at shops near you), and of course there are more advanced versions also available that come at a cost.