
Zucchini & Carrot Salad – a sweet and creamy salad that is loaded with goodness of vitamins! It is creamy without milk, it is sweet without sugar, so what are you waiting for, check this out and make it yours!

WholesomeTales.com brings you dairy free, sugar free, guilt free and most importantly a tasty and nutritious drink. This drink is full of goodness – fibre from banana and dates, healthy fats and calcium from almonds. It’s quick ‘n fast breakfast that ensure you start a guilt free day with an awesome breakfast ever! Yum! Love and share the love with family!

I always thought that I was eating a good healthy diet which used to start with stuffed paranthas accompanied by a cup of hot tea and a typical day used to end with a glass of milk at bed time. Sugar sweetened beverages, home made desserts and usual vegetarian meals were things I used to pamper myself with. Being vegetarian,that was more of like a standard daily diet with rare