
Wish you all a very healthy and joyous Navratra! Do you know that Navratra days are very special and there is a scientific reason why special fasting is recommended during these days in our ancient scripts. During these days in year our body goes through a special phase and as a result the immunity drops to low, so to avoid getting sick, our ancient religion books recommended Navratra week, to

Pollution is most talked about issue now a days and it is impacting health of kids, aged, and young alike. Giloy – also known as Tinospora cordifolia, heart-leaved moonseed, guduchi. Giloy has proven anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties, and helps in respiratory problems like frequent cough, cold, tonsils as well. It heals high fever, mosquito bound fevers like – dengue, chikungunya etc. Patanjali Giloy Ghanvati is common variant that is very popular. Gur – also known

I always thought that I was eating a good healthy diet which used to start with stuffed paranthas accompanied by a cup of hot tea and a typical day used to end with a glass of milk at bed time. Sugar sweetened beverages, home made desserts and usual vegetarian meals were things I used to pamper myself with. Being vegetarian,that was more of like a standard daily diet with rare